What Others are Saying
Bob’s teaching has led us to a deeper understanding of the truths in God’s word, and what it means to be “free in Christ” and not under the law.
D. & L. Manteca, CA
We have personally known mentor and teacher Rev. Bob Stewart for 10 years now. His teachings have helped my wife and I gain a more in-depth understanding of God’s Word and more importantly, the everyday life application of God’s Word. We have found his teachings to be strictly based on truth from the original text.
A & T. St. Louis, Missouri
Bob has been the primary teacher for a Bible study in which I have been involved for the last nine years. He never settles for the answer which seems to be obvious, but constantly digs into the language of the original scripture and the context in which a particular passage is written to find the true meaning. Five words which would describe him would be, “He is a truth seeker.”
B. Y. Glendale, AZ
I have had the opportunity and privilege to sit under Bob’s teaching in formal classes, home Bible studies, and personal time. He is an excellent teacher. He is always well prepared and it is his delight to bring into his teaching the historical, geographical, and social elements of Bible times of the lesson to draw his students into the context that the author and listeners of the letter or book were experiencing. Bob is a careful and thorough student of the Word of God, and I think you will enjoy his teaching.
MLM – Chihuahua, Mexico
When I embark upon a study written by Bob Stewart, I have confidence that he has done meticulous research in the history and context of the book or passage(s) he is writing about, used his excellent command of the languages of the Bible to shed light on the truth and intent of the scriptures, and does not seek to satisfy his own agenda with biased rhetoric. Also, as I have done his studies, I have come away with greater insight and understanding of the scriptures, and found answers to questions that I can now lay to rest, not because I was brain-washed or coerced in some way, but because he does not spoon feed the material, but rather points you in the right direction through his comprehensive research and application of the scriptures.
C. T. Dade City, FL
I joined a Sunday School class with Bob in 1987 and we have been involved in Bible studies, topical studies and general research ever since. Bob has applied his theological training and mastery of Greek to hermeneutics on a broad scale that encompasses literature, language, culture, history, religious tradition, using and a clear grasp of scripture to present a clear exegesis of Biblical text. He has effectively tied these issues together to underscore the intent of the Gospel: present the problem, provide the solution (life!), and set us free! I believe Bob’s life work underscores this goal and I am one of many to benefit from the effort he has invested in this work. I recommend Bob’s study information as a tool that can help make the truth clear to believers.
S.D. Colorado Springs, CO
Many Bible teachers that I have experienced just teach from commentaries’ and do little research themselves. Bob Stewart has a way of making the Bible come to life. Teaching based only on the Bible not on tradition or what mainstream Christian Church thinks to be the truth. Bob does not and will not compromise God’s word. As a believer I have learned more about the Bible from Bob’s teaching than I have from anyone else during my entire Christian Life of 31 years.
C.U. Phoenix, AZ
So often we can hear a message, and not be provoked to thought. With Bob Stewart’s lessons the mind is challenged. But what good is exercising the mind if the heart lies asleep. Our excitement began with thought provoking lessons and ended with our hearts reaching towards God. It is with the mind that we reason and understand, then, to the heart where we open and respond. Also, when we first received his lessons they were instrumental in helping us to better interpret the Bible. His audio and booklet series have become friendly companions. As we now teach Bible study in church, all that we have gleaned has blessed many with understanding and a deep love for God and others.
M. N. and T. N., Oahu, Hawaii
Bob Stewart is the smartest most dedicated Bible Teacher I know, and I suspect his energy comes from so clearly knowing God’s fantastic good news and wanting the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth proclaimed from every corner. My seminary career foundered on the rocks upon which he loves to dance (exegesis!), and he makes what for me was a daunting task into a joy-filled experience. Thanks to him I’ve been able to help countless fellow believers unwrap thorny passages, often butchered by translators, and remove obstacles to the transformation that comes by the renewing of the mind!
W.T. Colorado Springs, CO